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[E] feministdog
[E] feministdog
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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yeah, i know i was just angry when i posted that reply. and i really didnt meent that. ok ty
over 13 years ago
lol srry i was angry when i said that reply. my friend just told me he wasnt my friend... that was a blow to the head... so yeah i would appreciate it if the readoing of my post would go faster. but thats up to you, and im cool with that.
over 13 years ago
Why am i still banned... why does it take so long to even read this. please someone please read this
over 13 years ago
Username: feministdog When you were banned: 04/08/12/3:10 A.M. Who banned you: mr.baconbits reason you were banned: i was regretfully griefing a house. I really dont know were to start. Ok when i went on minetown this morning, i laid my eyes uppon my plot of land and my chest.. they were not there, to be honest i was angry, so what i did is i went to my friends plot and you might know him as xxkillxx345, anyway i went there because he allowed me to own a bit of his house and when i got there someone said that if the house wasnt gone by april th 9nth that it would be destroyed... wierd right, but i called him up and told him about the threat and he logged on and we both destroyed our house (really it was more of a castle lol but anyway). we then set off to find a good bit of land to build our castle. we had everything we needed and eventually we came across a house in the middle of no were. i dug a hole and the my friend jumped in and we got stuck and couldnt get out, when we finally got out there was destroyed blocks everywhere and i wanted to see inside this houe but the doors were locked, so i found a little staircase up the back of the house leading to the roof, i then broke the glass on the window and proceeded into the house. i didnt steel anything. anyway then i went to the basement (i have to say it was awesome) in the basement therte were alot of chests and again i didnt take anything from them i just wanted to see the inside (it looked cool) anyway there were a lot of lifts down i only went down twice and the furnace room was also awesome. anyway thats about all i did to grief his house. for that i am deeply sorry. so i just didnt replace what i broke. sorry. Anyway thats all. it would be awesome if you actually read all of this. so the main reason i did the griefing of his house is becuase at the time i didnt see the harm in breaking a few glass pannels. i see it now. so thank you for listening to this. and to that i say farewell. and please i beg of you to let me back into the server, i was just angry today. it wont happen again. this paragraph seems to go on forever. i just feel bad and are also missing the minetown server. so again thank you.
over 13 years ago